#MiseFosta – I Believe Her

Lasair Dhearg wishes to express its solidarity and whole-hearted support to each and every woman and individual speaking out against their abusers and sharing their experience of sexual harassment within the Irish music scene amid #MiseFosta movement.

Over the past few days dozens of brave women and victims of abuse have went public and shared their experience of the ripe misogyny and discrimination that pervades the Irish music scene, particularly the Irish traditional folk scene. Many figures who have for years been applauded as legends of their scene, with murals and events dedicated to them, have been rightly exposed for the abusive misogynists they truly are.

Socialist republicanism must be inherently feminist, for too long has a masculinist culture and perception pervaded the republican movement. For republicanism to offer a real plan for the future of Ireland, it must combine women’s liberation with national liberation. This means opposing and dismantling the masculinist as well as capitalist structures in Irish society.

We challenge other Republican organisations and those on the left to come out and support those standing against sexual harassment, abuse, sexism and ‘lad’ culture, and to use their platforms to highlight these abuses.


Nexus – 028 9032 6803 – (advice, support & counselling for sexual abuse victims)

24hr Domestic & Sexual Violence Helpline – 0808 802 1414 or text support to ‘07797 805 839’

The Rowan: Regional Sexual Assault Referral Centre – 0800 389 4424 – 24hr free phone helpline & support services

Fair Plé – (https://www.fairple.com/) – FairPlé aims to achieve gender balance in the production, performance, promotion, and development of Irish traditional and folk music