Immigration, Capitalism & Imperialism in Ireland: Policy Launch & Download
Tuesday (3rd December) saw the public launch of Lasair Dhearg’s “Immigration, Capitalism and Imperialism” policy document. Scores of activists and supporters from all over Ireland joined together at An Cultúrlann on Belfast’s Falls Road as we for the first time unveiled our response and proposals to address the growing threat of racism and xenophobia towards migrants, fuelled by the twin evils of capitalism and imperialism that we have for so long suffered under.
The policy was developed over the course of more than a year and has been strengthened by feedback from several rounds of consultation with our members. The policy was then unanimously adopted by the membership of Lasair Dhearg at our Ard Fheis in late October.
Chaired by Pádraic MacCoitir, Leas-Cathaoirleach Lasair Dhearg, the session began with an introduction and an overview of the process of developing the policy. He highlighted an important aspect of this document – that it will continue to evolve in response to the changing material conditions of the capitalist system in which we live. On this point, Pádraic also encouraged other groups and those attending to provide an honest critique of the document so that we can continue to strengthen it over time, correctly pointing out that we do not claim to have all the answers to every problem we face.

The event was then handed over to the assembled panel which consisted of Leas-Cathaoirleach Craobh Beal Feirste Conal MacMathúna, Amy Margaret, Cathaoirleach Craobh Beal Feirste and Pádraig Scott, Lasair Dhearg’s national Public Relations Officer. All three were involved in the working group responsible for drafting and editing the policy.
Our speaker Conal gave a brief overview of the various sections of the document. He opened up his presentation by addressing many of the false right wing narratives that have been spread on social media, including the fact that just 20% of those using the IrelandIsFull hashtag on Twitter were actually from Ireland. The vast majority of those spreading this hate have been American and British fascists attempting to cause discontent among the Irish working class. Conal also pointed out that (as Lasair Dhearg has raised before) the almost 200,000 homes lying empty and derelict across both failed states in Ireland are more than enough to house every single person who is currently homeless, many times over.
Each section of our approximately 20 page policy was summarised for those present, including sections on Immigration Levels, Imperialism, Housing, the Climate Crisis, the Economy, Crime and Healthcare. Conal then finished by summarising our position as Socialist Republicans living in a capitalist system, including 11 positions which Lasair Dhearg are calling to be implemented in advance of the establishment of a Socialist Republic. In addition to this, our policy also contains the position of Lasair Dhearg on immigration in a future Irish Socialist Republic.

A question and answer session then provided those who had attended with the opportunity to gain insight and clarification from the panellists on various points in the document. Especially of interest were issues around housing, which is the single biggest issue facing people across Ireland. All three members of the panel were able to draw upon their experience of community organising and assisting those in vulnerable positions as members of Community Action Tenants Union (CATU). Other community organisations also expressed their support for the document including prominent local socialist republican activists and members of the public.
Everyone in attendance was encouraged to read the policy in more detail and distribute the document to friends, family and neighbours in their communities to help equip them with information on these issues. In response to requests by many of those present for the event to be brought to other locations, it was confirmed that Lasair Dhearg’s plan is to hold further public events publicising our new policy in places across the Six and Twenty-Six County States, the details of which will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
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