Lasair Dhearg’s inaugural Socialist Republican Conference took place on Saturday (October 7th) in Conway Mill on Belfast’s Falls Road.

Over 70 members, delegates, and visitors from across Ireland attended the all-day conference. Among the crowd were trade unionists, political ex-prisoners, independent councillors, Irish Language activists, anti-fascists, housing activists, and international solidarity activists. The common theme bringing these people together was their belief in the future of Socialist Republicanism on this island.
The morning session focused on organisational, policy and strategic matters while the afternoon session saw a range of guest and Lasair Dhearg speakers address the packed venue.
Following the registration process a number of organisational reports were delivered by An Runaí Ginearálta (General Secretary) Éamonn Ó Cleirigh, Aindriú Mac Ruaidhrí (Belfast), Lorcán Deeney (Derry) and Críostóir O Tiobraide (Membership). All reports noted the growth in activism in the past 12 months, the significance of our activism in challenging the rise of fascism across Ireland, challenging normalisation and Imperialism and making the link between current socio-economic conditions facing working class communities and capitalism.
These reports were followed by a question & answer session and a discussion & debate on our strategic vision for the year ahead.
Panel Discussion
Leas-Chathaoirleach (Vice-Chair) Lasair Dhearg Pádraic MacCiotir opened the afternoon session of the conference by welcoming the assembled delegates and visitors. Pádraic reflected on the venue in which the conference was held, Conway Mill, a former industrial mill and the conditions in which the workers lived and worked in, and with remembering the role of James Connolly in exposing the capitalist class of this time and campaigning to improve the conditions of the working class communities in nearby Falls and Shankill.
Pádraic continued with showing solidarity with the Palestinians currently engaged in acts of resistance and restating our continued support and solidarity with the Palestinian people in their fight against imperialism and colonialism.
The first speaker of the day was independent Dublin City Councillor Cieran Perry from Finglas, Dublin. Cieran is a long term community, anti-fascist and Socialist Republican activist in Dublin.
Cieran spoke on the conservative nature of the Irish Trade Union movement on the whole, however, spoke to the crucial role some unions played in the Anti-Water Tax campaign but noted with regret the recent purge of more radical activists from many unions and a further retreat into conservatism. Cieran spoke at length on the rise of the far right in working class communities and the need for Socialist Republicanism to remain organising in and with our communities to tackle this. Cieran continued to discuss the successful creation of Dublin Communities Against Racism and as Socialist Republicans the need to tackle this issue on a class basis.
The second speaker of the day was independent Socialist Republican Amy Rafferty. Amy is a Belfast based community activist who has been active in the fight for bodily autonomy and is a member of CATU (Community Action Tenants Union).
Amy spoke at length on the role and value of youth in struggle, contrasting the value placed on youth activism in countries of struggle like Cuba or Palestine to capitalist statelets like Ireland. Amy noted the difficulty that the task ahead poses for any young Socialist Republican, with the current cul de sac that Republicanism has found itself due to the move to constitutionalism by former Republicans and the bleak socio-economic conditions facing those organising in Capitalist countries. Amy finished with commenting on the role of women in struggle and the role of men to challenge oppression and misogyny within Republicanism.
Our third speaker for the day was independent Donegal County Councillor Micheál Choilm Mac Giolla Easbuig. Micheál is lifelong Socialist Republican activist from the Donegal Gaeltacht and has been at the forefront in challenging imperialism in his local area and nationally.
Micheál spoke on life in the Donegal Gaeltacht and the destruction of the Irish language through British Imperialism, Capitalism and the 26-county state attacks on the language. He spoke on the role of youth in struggle, the complete absence of young people in West Donegal due to forced economic emigration from Gaeltacht areas and the difficulties in organising in areas with a lack of young people. Micheál continued with linking the destruction of Gaeltacht and island areas to rampant Capitalism and Imperialism and the need for Socialist Republicans and specifically young Socialist Republicans to remain active and hopeful.
The fourth speaker of the day was former political prisoner and hunger striker Tommy McKearney. Tommy spent time in gaols across Ireland and spent 53 days on hunger strike during the 1980 strike, Tommy is a lifelong Socialist Republican.
Tommy began his contribution by encouraging people to have hope and belief in their ability to win through in the end, referencing history and the rapid changes he reminded all those present to not give in to despondency. Tommy continued with bringing a global economic analysis on Socialist Republicanism in Ireland, referencing changing economic conditions and the challenge to global western hegemony from the East. Tommy went on to discuss the role of NATO and European Unions PESCO, Tommy noted these are not solely military alliances but both organisations of Imperialist and capitalist nature and now firmly taking the mantle of Imperialisms Military Wing. Tommy concluded on the need for Socialist Republicans to have a global analysis and to take this role on through our own media and education.
Chairperson’s Address
Cathaoirleach Lasair Dhearg Pól Torbóid gave the final address of the afternoon. In a wide-ranging speech Pól began by thanking those in attendance today and those who have supported Lasair Dhearg as an organisation since its inception. Pól continued with a review of Lasair Dhearg’s outlook as a Socialist Republican organisation and that our immediate objective is not necessarily ‘Liberation and Socialism’ but to rebuild the republican base into the force that it once was, so that it may achieve these objectives. Highlighting that this task cannot be carried out by any one organisation, Pól commented on the need for cooperation, with credibility at its heart.
When Pól finished his speech, Belfast-based folk singer Stíofan brought the conference to a close with a rendition of ‘Irish Citizens Army’.